Sexual selection

美 [ˈsekʃuəl sɪˈlekʃn]英 [ˈsekʃuəl sɪˈlekʃn]
  • 网络性选择
Sexual selectionSexual selection
  1. The mate choice plays an important role for research in mating system and sexual selection .


  2. The progresses in studies of insect sexual selection behaviors


  3. A Study of Differences in Sexual Selection and Related Issues of Evolutionary Psychology


  4. An Analysis on the Legal Interests During the Different Sexual Selection Stages from the Perspective of Civil Law


  5. The other great principle of evolution is sexual selection , and it operates very differently .


  6. Researchers have therefore suggested that asecond type of sexual selection may hold the answer .


  7. Bird song as one of the most important features of Aves and has significance in communication and sexual selection .


  8. The recognition of sexual selection was for a long time in abeyance , but has been rehabilitated .


  9. Parental investment and sex role reversal : nuptial gift and its effects on sexual selection in katydids


  10. Sexual selection has given the most brilliant colours , elegant patterns , and other ornaments to the males .


  11. " fancy ", the myriad beauty of feathers for sexual selection in birds and decoration for humans ;


  12. A few theories have focused on recombination – the process that occurs in sexual selection when the genetic sequences of parents are recombined .


  13. This data challenges the theory that exaggerated sex-specific traits were important for social and sexual selection in ancestral environments , added Dr Clark .


  14. " We suggest the mane 's evolution is the result of sexual selection ," said West , a doctoral candidate whose dissertation led to the paper .


  15. Studies with Microtus species support the hypothesis that monogamy may evolve under harsh conditions , while also suggesting that female sexual selection may help to maintain monogamy .


  16. This paper summarizes some kinds of insect sexual selection behaviors , including sexual selection relating to body size , chirp , nuptial food and sperm competition and so on .


  17. The Male Quality Model ( MQ ) and the Local Resource Competition Model ( LRC ) suggest that this phenomenon is a response to sexual selection and resource competition pressure , respectively .


  18. From the evolutionary theory of sexual selection we predicted that male faces may signal physical dominance and that more dominant men would be more likely to be exploitative because they can be .


  19. This paper distinct the social control and sexual selection , work and play as well as " self " and " self " of the play theory of mass communication , in order to understand the theory better .


  20. However , that observation also supports the idea that sexual selection is involved , since the whole point is that not everyone will be equally able to perform , or even to learn how to do so .


  21. But new research suggests that , rather than being a sexual selection preference that has evolved over hundreds of years , it 's a relatively new habit that has only emerged in modern , urbanised societies .


  22. Paternity analysis can be used to measure gene flow directly , it could provided the foundation for understanding the degree of gene flow among populations or generations and the sexual selection fitness , for guidance to the designation and management for seed orchard .


  23. Mating system can produce important ecological and evolution effect . For example , mating system can affect distribution of genetic variation of within-population and inter-population , and maintain variation in populations , and affect the evolution territoriality and the intensity of sexual selection .


  24. The new benne strain 91-197-8 was got through sexual hybridization and breeding selection , using Lie Nuo Te as female parent and Tian Ya 6 as male parent in the Agricultural Vocational Technological Institute of Gansu ( Lanzhou Agricultural School of Gansu in the past ) .
